John Abraham can't understand why everybody keeps asking him the same old question. "Why do people have to keep asking about Bipasha? I am not single and that says it all. I find that question boring now, " he says. For all those who are still wondering if the couple has parted ways, here is news. The due hangs out together, and also keep constantly in touch.
Moving to other things then after bikes and Bips on them, what else is he crazy about? "Chess. I love chess and life is more or less like chess. It is important to know what you want from life and how you want to go about it. The destination always remains the same but it is the journey that matters. "he says.
John also feels that he has found his right calling in cinema. " I used to work as a media planner in an advertising company when modelling happened to me. And i know I would not have been a media planner for long. But I can be an actor for long. Acting is my escape zone. Yiou can stop being yourself and start living someone else's life. " he says.